
A CLI to provision and manage Upstash resources, including Redis and Kafka databases.

Manage Upstash resources in your terminal or CI.

GitHub release (latest SemVer) Downloads/week



You can install upstash's cli directly from npm

npm i -g @upstash/cli

It will be added as upstash to your system's path.

Compiled binaries:

upstash is also available from the releases page compiled for windows, linux and mac (both intel and m1).


> upstash
  Usage:   upstash
  Version: development
    Official cli for Upstash products
    -h, --help               - Show this help.
    -V, --version            - Show the version number for this program.
    -c, --config   <string>  - Path to .upstash.json file
    auth   - Login and logout
    redis  - Manage redis database instances
    kafka  - Manage kafka clusters and topics
    team   - Manage your teams and their members
  Environment variables:
    UPSTASH_EMAIL    <string>  - The email you use on upstash
    UPSTASH_API_KEY  <string>  - The api key from upstash


When running upstash for the first time, you should log in using upstash auth login. Provide your email and an api key. See here for how to get a key.

As an alternative to logging in, you can provide UPSTASH_EMAIL and UPSTASH_API_KEY as environment variables.


Let's create a new redis database:

> upstash redis create --name=my-db --region=eu-west-1
  Database has been created
  database_id          a3e25299-132a-45b9-b026-c73f5a807859
  database_name        my-db
  database_type        Pay as You Go
  region               eu-west-1
  type                 paid
  port                 37090
  creation_time        1652687630
  state                active
  password             88ae6392a1084d1186a3da37fb5f5a30
  user_email           andreas@upstash.com
  endpoint             eu1-magnetic-lacewing-37090.upstash.io
  edge                 false
  multizone            false
  read_only_rest_token ApDiASQgYTNlMjUyOTktMTMyYS00NWI5LWIwMjYtYzczZjVhODA3ODU5O_InFjRVX1XHsaSjq1wSerFCugZ8t8O1aTfbF6Jhq1I=
  You can visit your database details page: https://console.upstash.com/redis/a3e25299-132a-45b9-b026-c73f5a807859
  Connect to your database with redis-cli: redis-cli -u redis://88ae6392a1084d1186a3da37fb5f5a30@eu1-magnetic-lacewing-37090.upstash.io:37090


Most commands support the --json flag to return the raw api response as json, which you can parse and automate your system.

> upstash  redis create --name=test2113 --region=us-central1 --json | jq '.endpoint'